Current Fire Safety Issues
Online scientific journal
ISSN 2686-8075
Journal indexing
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About the Journal

The journal «Current Fire Safety Issues» is a scientific peer-reviewed periodical online publication with fully open access.

Founder and Publisher: All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia).

Editor-in-Chief: Head of FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, Doctor of Technical Sciences, D.M.Gordienko

Periodicity of journal issue: 4 times a year.

Registration information: The journal is registered in the Federal supervision service in the field of communication, information technologies and mass communications (The registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 77054).

The journal is assigned an international standard serial number (ISSN 2686-8075).

The journal is included in Russian Science Citation Index database on the platform eLIBRARY.RU, in the catalogue of periodicals Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.

The journal is registered in Scientific and Technical Center “Informregister”.

All scientific articles published in the journal have been assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) registered with CrossRef. The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is the system of determination of the scientific content in the Internet; DOI assignment – essential attribute of the up-to-date system of the international scientific communication. DOI-prefix of journal “Current Fire Safety Issues” – 10.37657/vniipo.avpb.

Theme of the publication:

The journal publishes articles containing the results of theoretical and experimental studies, materials summarizing domestic and foreign experience, as well as information about significant scientific conferences in the field of fire safety. Articles published in the journal correspond to the nomenclature of scientific specialties of Higher Attestation Commission (VAK): 2.3.4. Management in Organizational Systems (technical sciences); 2.10.1. Fire safety (technical and chemical sciences).

Authors: scientists and practical experts, lecturers of leading Russian universities, applicants for scientific degrees, young professionals from Russia and other countries.

Readership of the journal: fire service managers and officers, researchers and practitioners in the field of fire safety, managers and specialists of enterprises producing fire-technical and fire-hazardous production and providing appropriate services, as well as the executives and specialists ensuring fire safety of enterprises for common industrial purpose, building and other organizations.

Section «Theoretical and experimental research» includes research papers devoted to investigation in various aspects of fire safety, development of means for fire extinguishment and prevention. Both prominent scientists and graduate students (doctoral candidate) defending candidate (doctoral) theses are the authors of the papers.

Section “Experience exchange” contains materials concerning the practical application of research results, as well as the adoption of advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of fire fighting.

Section “Information” contains information and reference materials.

Latest issue
2025 № 1 (23)

mkr. VNIIPO, 12, Balashikha,

Moscow region, 143903, Russia


+7 (495) 524-81-58


All materials placed in the online scientific journal «Current Fire Safety Issues» or on the website can be reproduced in any media or on the Internet only with the written permission of the editorial staff. When citing the link is mandatory.

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