Publication ethics
Main provisions
All participants of the process of preparing materials for publication in the online scientific journal Current Fire Safety Issues of FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia (further – the journal) strive to maintain high ethical standards concerning the publication of articles coming to edition.
Ethical principles of editors
The editors are guided by the following ethical principles:
– editorial objectivity and impartiality;
-observance of scientific ethics when reviewing articles, encouraging honest scientific discussion between authors and reviewers;
– non-disclosure of personal data of authors and reviewers as well as other information obtained during professional interaction;
– respect for authors’ opinion and the results of their research;
– correct attitude to the authors’ complaints in case of refusal to publish their articles;
– observance of the accepted by the editors order of registration of the provided for publication information and assistance to authors in its observance;
– timely and accurate informing the authors about the reviewer’s comments and requests as well as coordination with them of the terms of amendments to the article in accordance with the received review;
– rejection of the article that was identified as containing previously published materials of other authors without reference to the original sources; making an impartial judgment to the article and the exclusion of possible conflict of interest;
– acceptance for publication of the article after the authors make the necessary additions and changes;
– motivated explanation of the cause of refusal in case of rejection to publish the submitted materials;
– adoption of adequate response measures together with the reviewers in case of presentation the editors of ethical claims related to the procedures of manuscripts consideration or publication.
Latest issue
2024 № 2 (20)

mkr. VNIIPO, 12, Balashikha,

Moscow region, 143903, Russia


+7 (495) 524-81-58


All materials placed in the online scientific journal «Current Fire Safety Issues» or on the website can be reproduced in any media or on the Internet only with the written permission of the editorial staff. When citing the link is mandatory.

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