Yury N. Shebeko
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Main Researcher of FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia.

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1975

Professional experience
Since 1978 – different positions from Junior Researcher to Deputy Chief of the Research Centre of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Protection
Field of research
Famous scientist in the field of theoretical bases for assessment and decrease of fire-and-explosion hazard of technological processes. Research interests: physics of combustion and explosion; research of gas and liquid combustion, including combustion at elevated temperatures and pressure; mathematical modeling of large accidents with fires and explosions at the enterprises of oil-processing, petrochemical and chemical industry; fire and explosion safety of reactor installations of the nuclear power plants. He developed a complex of calculation methods for combustion limit conditions as well as fire danger indicators of gases and liquids; created and realized computer models of large accidents occurrence with fires and explosions. He is the author of more than 600 scientific works.

Membership in professional associations
Academician of the National Academy of Fire Safety Sciences (NANPB), Member of the Dissertation Council of VNIIPO

E-mail: delo_nitc3@vniipo.ru
Latest issue
2025 № 1 (23)

mkr. VNIIPO, 12, Balashikha,

Moscow region, 143903, Russia


+7 (495) 524-81-58



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